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just road

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving" - Albert Einstein


reach what you cannot
Pale - Frankokastello

Pale - Frankokastello,
West Crete


The route starts from the junction to Rodakino on the road Rethimnon - Agia Galini. Passing Kotsifou gorge, a small but very scenic gorge, the road goes south west, with view to the Lybian sea. At Frankocastello, there is the fort with the same name next to the beach

Info box

Length: 35.9 km
Surface: Asphalt

Road classes: B road
Terrains: Mountainous
Traffic: Moderate
Coordinates start (DD): 35.24087691406623, 24.46957290172577
Coordinates end (DD): 35.09910411099011, 24.68502402305603