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just road

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving" - Albert Einstein


reach what you cannot
Anopolis - Mavros Charakas

Anopolis - Mavros Charakas,
West Crete


Mountain route with breathtaking views at the White mountains. Starting from Anopolis village, there is just a few hundred meters of asphalt, then the route gets unpaved with a few difficult points near the end. Mavros Charakas is the name of the last part of the route.

Info box

Length: 21.1 km
Surface: Asphalt & Unpaved part
Unpaved difficulty level: 8 (hard)

Road classes: Unclassified
Terrains: Mountainous
Traffic: Almost none
Coordinates start (DD): 35,218101,24085524
Coordinates end (DD): 35,290393,24056449